Success Story
Alberta BioBord
About Alberta BioBord
Alberta BioBord has designed a project to produce straw based fuel pellets and fibreboard using wheat straw as the raw material.
Wood fibre costs have continued to rise as supply has failed to keep pace with demand. Alberta BioBord plans on building the world’s highest capacity straw fibre MDF board & value add integrated factory.
With the research behind straw fibre for MDF completed eight years ago, the technology has only been adopted and commercialized in Southeast Asia despite originally being developed in Alberta. Alberta BioBord is bringing it back to Alberta where it can benefit farmers, workers, investors, and consumers.
George Clark, CEO
CEO George Clark is a new technology Entrepreneur with a history of merging innovative systems & processes into real world applications. With a Computer Systems Analyst degree & a lifetime of construction experience, George’s many accomplishments include helping many of Alberta’s Home Builders, Architects & Engineers move from the drafting boards onto intelligent Computer Aided Design systems as well as helping DND Suffield, Geological Survey Canada & numerous Commercial Enterprises transition into advanced graphics and business management integrated systems. In 2005 he was awarded a Metis Entrepreneur of the Year honor by MNA Region3 and in 2016 he was named by Alberta Venture Magazine as one of Alberta’s 50 Most Influential People.
He also helped the Metis Nation of Alberta acquire a Drilling Rig, earning them over $12M in realized profit in five years. He then introduced a unique new technology soil cement stabilization process for providing solid 24/7 365 day accessible heavy load bearing ground solutions to clients throughout Alberta & British Columbia. His company excelled at literally putting his many clients on Solid Ground to build their projects on schedule & budget!
The Campaign
As the world seeks sustainable solutions, agricultural biomass is rapidly becoming the smartest choice, with a significantly reduced carbon footprint. Alberta BioBord’s initiative will provide a greenhouse gas emissions reduction equivalent to removing over 500,000 vehicles off the road each year.
Important to the Alberta BioBord model is allowing their local community to grow and benefit along side their business. To do just that, Alberta BioBord launched an Equity Crowdfunding campaign on Equivesto to allow their local community access to invest along side their institutional and governmental partners.
In September, when the campaign came to a close, Alberta BioBord had raised over 112.91% of their target funding goal of $50,000.
Campaign Statistics
Capital Raised
# of Investors
Funded Date
Funding Goal
Equity Crowdfunding
Offer Type