How Much Should I Invest

How should I decide how much to invest in any one given company?  

Investments on Equivesto are not always a fit for everyone. Before deciding to invest, take the time to consider your own risk preferences. When during your application process we will also review your information to help determine if equity crowdfunding investments are a fit for you.

No matter what, whenever investing on Equivesto, you should always consider the following:

1. Rather than investing a large amount in one opportunity, we suggest making several small investments each year.  

2. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

With those in mind, the right amount to invest in any given company is up to you.  This amount is dependent on two things: Your risk profile, and your investment portfolio size. 

Click here to learn more about how to understand your risk profile and splitting your money between investment groups. 

The Fit for YOU

Once you know how you want to split your money between short term (low risk), medium term (medium risk), and long term (high risk) investments, you can allocate the funds in each group.

For high risk investments on Equivesto, choosing how much to invest is a combination of:

1) how much total money are you planning to invest in high risk companies;

2) your opinion of each company and its risk/reward opportunity;

3) the number of different companies you have an interest in.  

Make sure to take the time to review the details of each company before investing. 

We recommend investment smaller amounts in multiple deals instead of a large amount in one single deal.  This also helps decrease you risk.  This is easy on Equivesto, as the minimum investment is only $100.  We also have several refund policies that help protect you as an investor.

While the information above has been provided as a general guideline, this does not necessarily fit your own personal situation and preferences.  To have a detailed discussion about your personal situation and get professional advice, reach out to us directly here or email

To learn more about how to lower your risk exposure while still investing on Equivesto, click here.