Lesson 6: Navigating the Equivesto Portal (2:13)


Already signed up but need some help understanding how to use the investor portal? This video helps outline all the exciting buttons and options you have on your Investor Dashboard on the Equivesto Portal.


Hi, I’m Riley from Equivesto. Let’s go over using the Equivesto website -  it’s actually pretty simple! If you haven’t signed up yet, head to our video on how to sign up. 

When you sign in with your approved account, you land on your dashboard.  This page is your mission control center which gives you an overview of all of your info.  

On the top right-hand side of the page, there is a big button called, “Browse Offerings.” This is where you can see all the live offerings and view their respective campaigns.  When you find a company that you would like to invest in, you can proceed to click on the “Ready to Invest” button.  This will take you through a straightforward process of reviewing and signing a few documents and completing your investment transaction. Please keep in mind, to complete your investment transaction, you can’t pay by credit card, PayPal or another online equivalent.  Instead, you will need to provide your banking information.  This is your account number, the financial institution number, and the branch number. These numbers are used on void cheques, setting up direct deposits, and can also be easily found on your online banking service.  

Now there’s a few reasons we need your bank account info:  We cannot allow the public to participate in investing with credit as this can be financially dangerous, and additionally, this is a much more secure method for both you and Equivesto.  Please remember, we do not keep or store this information anywhere.  In fact, this is why you will have to enter your bank account info every time you invest to provide the best security measures possible for Equivesto users.  If you keep these numbers handy whenever you check out Equivesto, your investing process will be much faster.  

On the left-hand column, you have your navigational buttons.  These are all pretty straightforward: You have your Account Settings with your user information, you have your Investments and Transactions pages which keep records every time you invest, you have Messages where you can connect with the admin.  The last button in the column is called KYC/AML.  This stands for “Know Your Customer / Anti-Money Laundering.”  This tab just holds all the information that you first filled in when you applied to have an account on Equivesto.  You can view that document any time you like. If you are still working on your signup forms, head over here and click the “VIEW” button to get right back to them. 

And that’s it! Now, you can rest easy and watch everyone else participate in the crowdfunding round, which will lead us to the next and final video of the process.

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